Payment information
Payment information
Unless otherwised agreed, the following terms of payment shall apply to orders placed in the onlineshop of ATN Hölzel GmbH.
After placing an order, you will receive a confirmation of receipt of your order within a few minutes. This confirmation contains all relevant information of your order. Your order will then be checked and processed internally. After internal processing, you will receive a payment request or order confirmation of your order and all necessary documents and information for further processing of your order, depending on type of payment.
You can choose from the following payment options:
You transfer the money to our account after placing the order and receiving our payment request. After your payment is received, you will receive an order confirmation and the order and delivery period will start.
You pay by invoice. When buying on account, we reserve the right during the ordering process to perform a credit check of new customers. This step usually takes 1 week and is repeated if there is a span of more than 1 year between 2 orders. From an order value of 10.000,00 € in the onlineshop, a down payment of 30 % of the invoice amount is due after the order and existing creditworthiness. The order and the delivery period begins with receipt of payment of the down payment in the amount of 30 %. The remaining 70 % of the invoice amount is due after delivery. Payment terms are 14 days, net.