Engineering Consulting at ATN
Bundled engineering expertise at ATN
The high level of expertise and know how in the technical planning and design of plant construction projects led to the establishment of our Engineering Consulting department in 2020. The Dresden based department represents an independent service unit within our company with a particularly high degree of customer orientation.
“The increased customer focus is the most prominent advantage of working together with our Engineering Consulting. Since 2020, my team and myself have been able to advice our customers on the technical planning and conceptual design of plant construction projects with a broad range of tasks. These include services in upstream engineering as well as in the design of automation systems. We are able to present solutions from ideas and requirements that have been turned into reality in close coordination and cooperation with our customers and partners.
Concept studies, cycle time and feasibility analyses as well as planning projects in green or brown field are just some of the areas in which we provide advice. Whether in the automotive sector or in other industry branches – we are always happy to take on new challenges and support you with our knowledge and ideas!” says Dirk Zimmer, Head of Engineering Consulting.
Our experts from Engineering Consulting will be happy to advise and support you in joint projects!
Support Engineering
Engineering Support