Apprenticeship at ATN
The apprenticeship of our own professionals has a high significance at ATN. Our priority is the qualitative training of our apprentices because our apprentices of today are our professionals of tomorrow. We train our apprencties with the aim to employ them when they qualify.

Coneten and orientation of the apprenticeship
We guarantee optimal content orientation withing the apprenticeship and on top of that directions of specialization as well in commercial and technical apprenticeships.
Our own training workshop allows that for our technical apprenticeships. Combined with the connection of practical and theoretical expertise from vocational schools we provide best conditions for a varied apprenticeship.
Insights in all the departments of ATN
Our instructors coordinate practical learning modules in a structured training plan that covers all the relevant departments, equipping you with the best possible skillset. As an ATN apprentice, you'll be involved with current projects and assignments so that your training is geared towards real-life situations, helping you make a smooth transition from trainee to employee.
Longterm success with ATN
A succesful apprenticeship is just the beginning: after completing your apprenticeship, there are many more career development opportunities. We fund you to aquire higher-level qualifications. You can take advanced training or study for a degree alongside your job. It is also possible to collect experiences abroad in of our foreing subsidiaries.
What's important prior to the apprenticeship?
To get to know each other prior to the apprenticeship we recommend an internship at ATN because the choice of an apprenticeship and company is one of the biggest decision in the life of a young adult.
Both sides have the chance to see if the apprenticeship, company and apprentice fits. Personality, the willingness to learn and curiosity on the job are important criteria for us besides the performance in school.
Vocational trades at ATN
Mechatronics engineers work on the assembly and maintenance of complex machinery, plants and systems, or at the premises of customers and plant owners who run them.
They work at a variety of locations, primarily installation sites, workshops or service divisions, often as part of a team. They coordinate their work with upstream and downstream departments.
Training and education:
- dual vocational training, on-the-job and at vocational college
- Duration: 3,5 Years
- You must have completet secondary education (certificate or equivalent documents required)
- You must be technically minded and reliable
Industrial clerks work in companies of all sizes and in all industries. Their commercial and business responsibilities cover every aspect of a company’s activities.
They provide business support for all of the company’s processes from incoming orders right through to aftersales service and are sometimes involved in commercial areas and projects too.
Training and education:
- Dual vocational training, on-the-job and at vocational college
- Duration 3 years
- You must have completed your secondary education (certificate or equivalent documents required)
- You must be reliable and a good organizer
Warehouse logistics specialists work in industrial, trade and freight forwarding businesses and for logistics service providers. Their job covers every aspect of warehouse logistics.
They help with logistics planning and organization processes, using business information and communication systems plus standard and job-related software. They communicate and cooperate with areas of the business further up and down the supply chain.
Training and education:
- Dual vocational training, on-the-job and at vocational college
- Duration 3 years
- You must have completed your secondary education (certificate or equivalent documents required)
- You must be customer-focused and a team player
Wir stellen zum 01.08.2024 noch ein!
Für den Ausbildungsstart am 01.08.2024 suchen wir noch eine Azubine oder einen Azubi zur Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik. Die Ausbildung dauert 3 Jahre und findet dual an unserem Standort in Oppach und in der Berufsschule statt.
In deiner Ausbildung lernst du alles über die Lagerlogistik und das Warenmanagement. Du wirst zum Herz des Lagers und sorgst mit Deinem Überblick dafür, dass alle Lager immer ordnungsgemäß bestückt sind und alle Produktionsprozesse in unserem Unternehmen reibungslos ablaufen.
Mit deinem technischen Verständnis, Organisationstalent und analytischem Denken führst du Bestandskontrollen durch, erstellst und verpackst fertige Warensendungen und kontrollierst Ladelisten und Beladepläne. Du lernst, Verantwortung für den Transport und die Zustellung von Gütern an unsere Kunden zu übernehmen.